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The Combine Half Life

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by blosehakab1981 2020. 1. 24. 08:46


The Combine Half Life
  1. Combine Codes Half Life
  2. Half-life Chemistry

Contents Overview IntroductionThe Combine is a vast empire spanning multiple dimensions. The empire is inhabited by an unknown number of, intelligent species, and appears to be governed by a race of bizarre, artificially-evolved Advisors (see below). The Combine expands its empire by invading worlds and enslaving the dominant species to be exploited as it sees fit. By manipulating these inhabitants, through methods including bioengineering and implantation, the Combine creates a race of uniquely adapted for the environment of that particular world.

Up vote 12 down vote favorite. In the half-life series, post seven-hour war, earth or at least part of it is beset by an alien force the combine, who use a modified transhuman creature that serves as the main enemy. Aug 14, 2015 - 4003 words In the popular video game Half-Life 2 and its sequels, the players fight against the Combine Empire. This empire may be fictional,.

This process results in a highly mobile and adaptive military force which is able to respond to any threat and crush any opposition. The reasons behind the Combine's imperialism remain unknown throughout the game.Note that the name 'Combine' is not the actual name of the alien race or their empire; rather, it is the name by which humans refer to both. It is also worth noting that vocal stress is placed on the first. The name is pronounced as the COM-bine, as in, as opposed to the form com-BINE, as in 'to join together or unite.' The actual name of the Empire is never fully revealed: refers to it as the Universal Union, but it is unknown if this is the official name used by the Empire itself.Until recently, many players speculated that the Combine may have possibly controlled. However, new information (discussed here ), from Half-Life's creators reveals the truth. The Combine Empire was engaged in a war with the 's race, and, through means unknown, managed to force them out of their original homeland.

The Nihilanth's race was then forced to seek refuge in Xen. The Combine could not follow them to Xen, as the Nihilanth was keeping the portal closed. However, scientists at the on Earth accidentally opened a portal between Earth and Xen. After killed the Nihilanth, the portal opened, allowing the Combine to teleport its forces into Xen. Once there, the Combine became aware of the portal storm opening a gateway to Earth, and summarily used their forces stationed on Xen to invade and conquer Earth.is one of the Combine's most recent annexations, acquired following Earth's surrender at the end of the. Following the standard Combine process, members of Earth's dominant species have been modified to form a new arm of the Combine military. Whilst these soldiers are primarily used as a permanent Combine garrison on Earth, in-game dialogue suggests that units of the Transhuman Overwatch are used across the Combine Empire.Combine AdvisorsThe Combine Advisors are the face of the Combine Empire, suggesting that they are probably the original master race behind the alien empire.

They briefly appear in the game, in Doctor Breen's office, on giant monitors. Physically, they resemble large -like creatures, belonging to a species which most likely passed its long ago. As a result of their expertise in developing advanced technology, the Advisors have evolved to an artificial state which is undoubtedly vastly different to their original physical state. They seem to be unable to manipulate objects or move around on their own, they are virtually blind, and they have a large number of other physical handicaps. As a result, the Advisors are totally dependent on their highly advanced technology in order to survive, and are probably unable to live without their mechanical aids.

However, because of their life support, they have reached a technical.In terms of size, Advisors are about as large as a. They move using a form of advanced hover technology, possibly the large blue glowing devices on their backs.

Despite their obvious intelligence and technological expertise, the Advisors are virtually featureless, with no visible eyes, ears, mouth, or limbs, explaining their many mechanical augmentations. As their natural eyesight is so poor, they rely on a vision enhancement device, and in order to help them breathe, their faces are covered by what appear to be respirators, from which a hose leads to a tank. Advisors rest inside a metal cradle which has two mechanical claw-like arms protruding from the upper section. Each Advisor wears a stitched olive-green body suit, leaving only the mostly featureless face and part of their tail fully visible. The suit also has a black collar adorned with golden on it, possibly the original race's form of writing. There is similarity in both the colour and texture of the Advisor's body to that of the Nihilanth, the original game's final boss.

This may or may not have been intended.Despite their crippled physical state, the Advisors have become highly evolved mentally, and are capable of. Slashing animations revealed by the suggest that the player may have been intended to fight one of these creatures, most likely as a final boss.In Half-Life 2: Raising The Bar, designer Ted Backman mentions that the immense, worm-like form of the Combine Advisor was inspired by the work of, most likely the images of the and from the novels.Combine teleportationDespite the advanced level of the Combine race, it seems to be lacking skill in. Explains that the Combine can only teleport from one universe to another, but not to different locations in the same universe. The teleportation method used by and can do this, though, which is why the Combine wants the technology. Mossman was actually helping the Combine build a teleporter capable of doing this, in, but, however, as Nova Prospekt was destroyed during and 's escape, it is most likely that the Combine actually gained nothing in the end.The Combine's method of teleportation, as limited as it is, still requires a large amount of power and huge machinery to perform, as seen at the end of the game, where was attempting to escape from the Citadel using a Combine teleporter. This teleporter required an entire reactor, called the 'dark fusion reactor,' to power it, while the teleporters used by Dr. Kleiner and Dr.

Eli Vance require only small amounts of power, and very little machinery. The reason for this is because they use as a 'dimensional slingshot,' while the Combine doesn't, instead teleporting directly from one universe to another.Invasion of EarthNewspaper clippings found in 's Lab in depict scenes from the Seven Hour War.Following the 's demise, the Combine was able to use the portal storm that was occurring at the time to continue on to Earth, where it launched a massive invasion that culminated in the.

Statements made by the suggest that the human race was unable to mount any effective resistance to the Combine armies, and that Earth's military forces were almost instantly overwhelmed. Former administrator of the, negotiated a surrender on Earth's behalf and was therefore appointed the administrator of the Combine's forces on Earth - the Overwatch.Combine dominance on EarthThe Combine rules Earth from a giant tower in, called the Citadel. According to unused scripts and backstory by Valve, there may be a Citadel in every city, although this has been disputed as existing in the official game story. At the end of the game, as Doctor Breen attempts to teleport off of Earth using the dark fusion reactor, a massive portal is created and several buildings that resemble Citadels are visible.At the start of the game, the Combine has almost complete dominance of Earth, and has no idea who is. However, immediately informs a Combine Advisor of Gordon Freeman during the teleport accident, in which Gordon Freeman appeared in Doctor Breen's office for a brief amount of time. Only a few handfuls of rebels, loosely organized in a ragtag resistance, are secretly opposing the Combine. Gordon Freeman's actions after his return eventually inspire a massive insurrection against the Combine, which results in a full-scale street war between the citizens and the Combine forces.The original Combine race do not seem to have a presence on Earth at any point in the game.

The reasons behind the Combine's desire to control the Earth are unknown, other than the absorption of Earth's resources, and the enslavement and exploit of its dominant species - the humans.Suppression fieldThe Combine, since gaining dominance on Earth, has imposed something known as a suppression field. The suppression field acts to eliminate fertilization in humans thus bringing the human birth rate to a halt. Doctor Breen addresses this issue to the people via a broadcast during the early levels of Half-Life 2, as the response to a letter written to him by a 'concerned citizen,' and claims that the field will be deactivated once the humans prove they no longer need it. During the game, resistance members occasionally make humourous remarks such as: 'When this is all over, I'm gonna mate,' about the suppression field.How the suppression field functions is currently unknown, and no other information about it is revealed during the game, except the fact that it exists. It is currently unknown whether the Combine imposes a suppression field on other races they conquer.Mind controlComments at the train station at the start of the game suggest that the Combine have been drugging (if not outright poisoning) the populace through their water supply. One frantic citizen says 'don't drink the water.they put something in it, to make you forget.'

This is not mentioned outside this one piece of dialogue.Human genocideSome players theorise that all remaining children have been killed by the Combine. First Seen: Chapter Nine, Nova Prospekt. Health total: N/A.

Weapon damage: N/A. Entity: npcstalker (AI is very limited, and is buggy)The product of extreme, brutal Combine engineering, stalkers are humans who have had their higher brain functions severed and their bodies physically altered. Their limbs have been removed and replaced with mechanical extensions; most organs, excess fat, as well as muscle have also been removed and what appear to be metallic augmentations added to parts of their body. Stalkers appear to be in constant pain, as their loud wheezing indicates.

A stalker can't talk, and instead can only make beastly roars, most likely because its, or perhaps entire, has been removed, as the metallic hole in their throats suggests. The lack of higher mental functions would also prevent them from talking.For ease of maintenance and to bring a physical dependence on the Combine, the stalker's digestive tract has been removed, resulting in the stalkers surviving solely on a that the Combine provides. Stalkers would originally have to work to gain the metallic legs, proving they could be trusted with additional movement. All stalkers appear to come from male human beings, as they have facial hair stubble.Humans are turned into stalkers at, and are then transported to the Citadel to do slave labour for the Combine.


They are transported by razor trains, and are confined in pods during the transportation. Despite being seen in Nova Prospekt and the Citadel, stalkers are never actually engaged in combat during the game.It appears that the citizens of City 17 have a full knowledge and understanding about stalkers, what they are, and how and where they are 'made'; as a citizen says, 'They're never gonna make a stalker out of me!' Alyx also comments on Nova Prospekt: 'It used to be a high-security prison, but it's something. Much worse now.' Barney also makes the comment, 'He was about to board the express to Nova Prospekt!' At the start of the game. All comments indicate that the citizens know about stalkers, as well as Nova Prospekt.Stalkers, when spawned using the console, shoot lasers from their feet at the player.

This is unfinished code originally intended to be in - the laser was originally supposed to be fired from the tools attached to the stalker’s head. The laser might have also been intended to fire out of the small blue nodule on its chest. If the player kills a stalker the game will crash, as the model does not have a 'ragdoll' state. Some mods have successfully avoided this problem.On an additional note, stalkers were originally intended to be enemies, using fast leaping attacks in a similar way to the 'Leaper' (Fast); they had little armor and were easily killed. The idea was dropped in the final version, most likely because the developers preferred only having zombies possess such startling abilities.It has been confirmed that the stalkers will be making a more prominent appearance in the Half-Life 2 expansion, as enemies.

Their new capabilities are currently unknown.Combine synthSynths are creatures that, over a course of imposed evolution and adaptation by the Combine, have come to fit a particular niche in the Combine military. Once self-replicating, organic, but robot-like creatures spread across different worlds, they were enslaved and assimilated into the Combine to become the backbone of their military.Various types of Synth have been brought over to Earth by the Combine, but other types of Synth are likely to exist. The total number of different Synth is unknown. It is likely that Synths were the primary forces used by the Combine during the, as the human-derived Combine units, as well as technology such as hunter-choppers and APCs, would have only started appearing after the Combine's rule on Earth had been established.GunshipFirst Seen: Chapter One, Point Insertion. Health total: 3 (Easy) 5 (Normal) 7 (Hard) RPG hits. Grenade/orb hits do half the damage of RPG hits. Weapon damage: Pulse Turret (3).

Entity: npccombinegunship (only stays in one spot if spawned during play)A powerful, autonomous aircraft that combines aspects of an airplane and a helicopter with Synth technology, the gunship is the Combine's most versatile combat aircraft. Gunships are used to attack enemies not normally accessible to ground forces, or in remote locations where air power would be more convenient. They are also sometimes used in a support role, called into specific trouble spots.Gunships are powered by an array of different jet engines, visible on their belly, and a single, large, rotating insect-like wing at its rear that works similar to a helicopter rotor.like are positioned directly behind the gunship's pulse gun, and it is likely that they aim the weapon. The chassis itself has one large exposed compound eye on each side, which it might use to 'see' or detect enemies under normal conditions. It should be noted that the aforementioned 'dragonfly' eyes can be viewed in the Half-Life 2 Model Viewer as being able to extend downwards and sweep left and right, probably to maximize its chances of finding a target. Although lacking the hunter-chopper's explosive mines and intelligent pilots, the gunship surpasses the hunter-chopper in maneuverability and accuracy with its pulse gun.Like most Combine Synths and vehicles, the gunship is invulnerable to light weapons and can only be damaged by explosives.

Because of this weakness to explosives, gunships will give any incoming explosives, such as rockets, a priority over enemies, and will attempt to shoot them down. If there is more than one gunship, they will all attempt to shoot down an incoming explosive in order to protect each other.Gunships are also equipped with a 'belly cannon' which releases a matter disintegration blast, similar to that of the suppression device, directly beneath the gunship. This attack is never used during the singleplayer mission, but additional gunships spawned by players have been witnessed using such an attack.DropshipFirst Seen: Chapter Four, Water Hazard.

Health total: N/A. Weapon damage: Pulse Turret (only on soldier carrier) (3). Entity: npccombinedropship (only stays in one spot if spawned during play)Resembling a crab-like creature with ten limbs, the Dropship serves as the primary aerial transport unit of the Combine, they are used for any situation that requires fast air transport, mostly for attacks on remote locations. Dropships are also used as minelayers for deploying roller mines.The front and two rearmost pairs of legs contain the engines that give the dropship lift and movement. The front two legs also hold retractable wings, used for maneuvering.

The middle four legs are tipped with large gripping pads, and are used to carry various forms of cargo.Dropships can transport most Combine forces, and they have been seen transporting Combine APCs, striders, roller mines as well as both Civil Protection and Overwatch soldiers in troop-carriers. 's is also stolen and carried away by a dropship after the battle at Lighthouse Point. The Overwatch soldiers and Civil Protection are transported in large, streamlined containers, equipped with a powerful, and highly-accurate mounted pulse gun.Other than the troop-container's gun, the dropship has no weaponry, no means of attack, and is neutral to the player. It compensates for the fact that it has no attacks by being the most armored Combine unit. It is invulnerable to all forms of attack during the game. The cargo being held, however, is unshielded and open to damage.

More often than not, though, the dropship's speed and the resilience of most cargo allow for a safe delivery before taking too much damage.StriderFirst Seen: Chapter One, Point Insertion. Health total: 3 (Easy) 5 (Normal) 7 (Hard) RPG hits. Grenade/orb hits do half the damage of RPG hits. Weapon damage: Pulse Turret (5), Cannon (instant death), Impaling Attack (instant death). Entity: npcstrider (only stays in one spot if spawned during play)An extremely deadly and effective assault unit, the Strider is perhaps the most powerful, and the most feared of the Synths brought over to Earth.Striders are essentially walking autonomous tanks, consisting of a beetle-like shell and three massive legs.

Combine Codes Half Life

The underside of the segmented shell holds the strider's external mechanics and two guns. The smaller of the two is a powerful and highly-accurate pulse gun, while the larger is a high-power 'warp' cannon able to punch significant holes in the thickest concrete and vaporize enemies in a manner similar to the pulse rifle's orb, or suppression device fire. The firing of this weapon is signaled by a strange distortion of the light around the cannon's muzzle, a loud hum, and a smaller initial beam that indicates where the full force will hit. This process takes only a few seconds, leaving little time to react. Their powerful legs are also tipped with sharp spikes, which they use to impale weaker targets and kick debris.Individual striders are used to patrol off-limit city streets and provide combat support for groups of soldiers.

However, in major combat, striders are used in a role similar to manhacks on a city-wide scale, destroying possible shelters and flooding an area as a means of removing all enemies. Because of their greater effectiveness and value, they are used mostly in a defensive role.

Striders fit this task well due to their destructive ability and remarkable maneuverability on even the harshest terrain. When unleashed, a strider can, and will, destroy an entire building in order to strike a handful of targets inside.

Conveniently, their long legs can climb over any resulting debris or any barriers of up to several meters high. They can even crawl through very small traffic tunnels and parking garages, if need be, 'digging' through barriers using their 'warp' cannon.Striders are also armored against all but the most powerful weapons, making non-explosive rounds useless against them. Luckily, striders tend to follow specific patrol routes when tasked with defending a limited area, making them easy to avoid, so long as shield scanners are not being used. When shield scanners do accompany a strider, they function as spotters for it, searching inside buildings and other places of concealment for targets the strider would otherwise be unable to see.

Striders also work with Combine dropships, folding their legs into a compact shape that allows them to be transported.As a side note, striders closely resemble the ' described in '.Shield scanner. First Seen: Chapter Eleven, Anticitizen One. Health total: 30. Weapon damage: Dive (25). Entity: Cannot be spawned during play.The successor of the city scanner, the shield scanner appears for a brief time in later chapters of the game. It is very similar to the city scanner in terms of function and capabilities. The shield scanner features a stronger, and more blinding search light, and is equipped with a large pincer arm, which is kept concealed behind an armored hatch at its front, along with several additional sensors and parts.The shield scanner, unlike the city scanner, has minor combat roles.

A shield scanner uses its pincer arm to efficiently pick up and deploy hopper mines, giving it the additional combat support roles of a miniature equipment transport and minelayer. Shield scanners are also used as target-spotters for striders, alerting them to the presence of enemies hiding inside structures, or in other areas that might be used for concealment.Crab synth.

First Seen: Chapter Thirteen, Our Benefactors. Health total: N/A. Weapon damage: N/A. Entity: npccrabsynth (has no AI)This Synth is seen only being transported on a conveyor belt in the Citadel during Gordon Freeman's second pod-ride, and is never encountered in a combat situation.

Its capabilities are unknown, but it appears to be a large ground-based combat unit with a weapon that resembles a minigun. No other information is available. Half-Life 2 storyline writer, hinted that the crab synth will be encountered in.Mortar synth. First Seen: Chapter Thirteen, Our Benefactors. Health total: N/A.

Weapon damage: N/A. Entity: npcmortarsynth (has no AI)Like the crab synth, this creature is seen being transported on a conveyor belt in the Citadel during Gordon Freeman's second pod-ride, but is never encountered in a combat situation. Its capabilities are unknown, but it may be an airborne attack unit that launches solid, energy, or explosive projectiles, judging by its name and the catapult-like structure on its back. Half-Life 2 storyline writer, hinted that the mortar synth will be encountered in.Combine techThe Combine, since gaining dominance on Earth, has invented a large number of devices and machines, some of which are offensive, and others which are used in the day-to-day policing and surveillance of the general populace. A majority of the Combine's technology present on Earth is actually nothing more than human technology re-interpreted and re-made by the Combine, using its own materials.

Technology such as helicopters, turrets, and wheeled vehicles are all human technology, re-made by the Combine.City scanner. First Seen: Chapter One, Point Insertion. Health total: 30. Weapon damage: Dive (25). Entity: npccscannerCity scanners, often referred to simply as scanners, are piranha-like, flying security cameras used by the Combine to monitor City 17's citizens. They are equipped with a built-in camera and a blinding searchlight. City scanners have no weapons, but the blinding searchlight and the photographic flash emitted can temporarily stun a person.

They are lightly armoured, and can easily be destroyed by launched objects, gunfire, or by simply being smashed with a hard object. When a city scanner receives critical damage, it attempts to crash itself into its attacker in hope of doing damage to them. They are powered by a single Combine battery, and a destroyed one will drop such a battery.As the name implies, city scanners are used primarily in the city, rather than in out-of-city locations, such as the canals or the coast. It appears that city scanners are mass-produced in the Citadel, as they serve many purposes - including the obvious surveillance role, as well as reconnaissance, and the hunting of missing or wanted individuals. City scanners will typically accompany Civil Protection personnel. City scanners almost always work with other Combine units, but are typically not directly used in combat, and only have the role of informing other, more combat equipped Combine units about citizens and their locations, should there be need for combat.

City scanners rarely travel alone, so the sight of a city scanner is usually an indication that there are other Combine forces nearby. In cases of emergency, city scanners can be mass-deployed in hundreds or thousands from the Citadel, to perform a city-wide, and possibly out of city search as well.It also appears that a city scanner was used in one of the latest 'evolutions' of, the robot built by to protect his daughter, while she was young, as both machines maintain a similar 'facial' design.Manhack. First Seen: Chapter Three, Route Kanal. Health total: 25. Weapon damage: Sawblade (20).

Entity: npcmanhackManhacks are flying, -like devices, slightly smaller than city scanners. They have three razor-sharp blades which constantly spin at extremely high speeds. The blades's spinning produces a high-pitched whine, which can be used as an indicator of a manhack's presence nearby. The manhack's blades are powerful enough to instantly slice through wood planks and fencing, but are unable to slice through stronger materials such as metal or concrete. Semi-intelligent, they have very little concept of self-preservation, careening off walls and through objects in the single-minded pursuit of their target.Manhacks are deployed by the Combine (who call them 'viscerators') and are used to scout areas too dangerous for city scanners. Manhacks never travel alone, but are usually deployed in groups of at least four or more. They appear to be fairly armoured against gunfire, and are more easily destroyed by being smashed with a hard object, which will cause it to become disoriented, and stop attacking for a couple of seconds as it re-stabilizes itself.

Half-life Chemistry

The is also very effective against them. Once in the gravity gun's field, they can be launched into walls, other hostile forces, or can be used as a -like weapon.Originally, a section of the game was designed where the Combine allowed citizens to, what seemed to them, play virtual reality games in something known as the 'Manhack Arcade.' The citizens playing these games had no idea that they were, in fact, controlling manhacks in real-life, and killing fellow citizens with them. The concept never made it into the final version of the game.Rollermine. First Seen: Chapter Five, Black Mesa East - found as 's ball.

Health total: N/A. Weapon damage: Shock (10). Entity: npcrollermineRollermines are electrically-charged, spherical devices slightly larger than that react to movement within a sizable radius. Rollermines are used as offensive and defensive traps by the Combine. As the name implies, they roll towards enemies in attempt to electrocute them. Extensively used along the coastal roads, the mines are deployed from the air by Combine dropships, in groups of two to four.

Upon landing, the mines will remain inert or, if they land on softer terrain like soil or asphalt, they will burrow themselves into the ground, remaining almost invisible. When an enemy target is detected, the roller mine will pop out of hiding and roll towards it in a relatively straight line. They inflict damage to people via close-range electric shocks.The mines can magnetically cling to a target vehicle and interfere with the steering, forcing.

The Combine Half Life